Monday, August 4, 2008

July 18-20 Weekend Trip

This was suppose to be a nice romantic motorcycle-ride weekend away for Rudy and me, but on Friday at Noon (when we were suppose to leave) the storms rolled in and the skies got very dark, so we quickly changed plans and packed a few more clothes and loaded it in the car instead.
Needless to say, I was a little bummed, but as I was trying to make the best of the situation, I thought that at least Rudy and I were alone and we could relax and enjoy the ride and time together.
We drove to St. Augustine where we had reservations for two nights. We enjoyed relaxing times and seeing new things we hadn't visited on previous trips to this area.
Again, I am thankful that we can do things like this together and we are able to have some quiet time with just the two of us (no pictures were taken to document this trip - can you believe it?) p.s. The trip was romantic, even if we had to take the car!!

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